Warming your home and tummy both at the same time. The Nectre Big Bakers Oven brings heating together with traditional wood fire stove cooking. A powerful radiant wood heater that can warm a large living space up to 200m2. You will feel comfortable and warm during the coldest winter days and evenings.
- Heats up a large space of up to 200m2
- Oven temperature termometer
- 8mm steel cooktop
- Optional factory fitted domestic hot water boiler
Nectre Big Bakers Oven
- Coverage Up to 200m2
- Heat Output Up to 18kW
- Dimensions 690w x 577d x 823h
- Maximum log width 445mm
- Weight 220kg
- Finish Black metallic paint
- Heating style Radiant
When using the oven ensure the bypass damper is in the
closed position.
To maintain a constant oven temperature, have the fire
burning briskly using small pieces of wood that provide plenty
of flames.
If the temperature in the oven gets too hot, reduce the
amount of oxygen to the fire by partially closing the spindle.
If the temperature in the oven drops below that desired, open
the spindle and add some more pieces of wood if required.
The round hotplates in the top of the heater can be removed
for cooking purposes allowing direct flame to a wok or frypan.
A triangular-handled tool is provided for lifting out the round
Fuel Quality
Use wood with a moisture content of less than 20%. Logs
should not feel moist or have moss and fungal growths.
Symptoms of burning wet wood:
Difficulty starting and keeping a fire burning well
Smoke and only small flames
Dirty glass and/or fire bricks
Rapid creosote build-up in the flue/chimney
Low heat output
Short burn times, and blue/grey smoke from the
flue/chimney outlet
Run appliance at high heat output for a short period each day
to avoid large build-up of tars and creosote within the
appliance and flue.
Or compare similar models here.
Have a great day!